
We offer public courses in a video-conferenced online environment and an in-person corporate course.

Holistic Productivity for Mac & iOS

This practical and insightful course includes over twelve hours of interactive online learning in a small, video-conferenced group (maximum 10 people), detailed course manuals and workbooks and a 90-day process to support you as you integrate what you’ve learned. Featured Mac and iOS apps include OmniFocus, Evernote, Drafts, Day One and MindNode.

Video-conferenced Online Course

Mac & iOS

Open to Everyone

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Holistic Productivity for Organizations

The Holistic Productivity for Organizations course is delivered in-house to host organizations of all sizes. It provides participants with new methodologies and practical strategies to achieve optimum levels of productivity in both their personal and professional environments.

On-Site Course

Corporate Training

Open to Corporations

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Upcoming Courses